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Showing posts from August, 2009

At The Crossroads

woke up at 11 a.m. which is 58 minutes ago ++". Sitting in front of the computer monitor as usual. Rain is still keep falling down since 8 a.m.. Today is the second day of my holidays. Not going to do anything as I did not plan it. Yet, the brain is not going to rest. I still need it to figure out the CHANGING ISSUE which has had troubled me in this entire week. "why change?", NingKang asked. Then I replied him, "do you think it is controllable?" After that, both of us ended the conversation in an embarrassment circumstance as two of us were speechless at the time. the most constant element exists in the world is CHANGE . I know it and I am pretty sure that all of us knew it. However, the fact is that I dread of changing. Meanwhile, it is uncontrollable. The irony of life, ain't it? people do change, included I myself. The only thing we could identified is that how much we have changed. Changed to be better, or vice versa. Well, friends... we could not den...

Every Day... Every Night...

the air of freedom is always that refreshing. I have got my holidays at last, although there are only 3 days, yet I am pretty satisfied with it. well, have received many tasks and assignments during the 5-days-of-torturing- Maktab -life. Have to draft out a new timetable for myself in order that I can complete all these assignments in due course. However, it is definitely not NOW since I am pretty lazy to move my body and start the work. hmmm... actually I got no interesting story to talk 'bout. Just simply log on here and crap. I shall stop here.


无所事事地坐在电脑银幕前 吃着邻居送来的爱心甜汤 听着重复了又重复的西洋音乐 顾名思义 我在悠哉地浪费光阴 花了几天时间进行的师训功课 终于在昨早解决掉了 果真 没有一丁点儿美术细胞 做起那玩意儿真的挺吃力 明天又要回去了 暂且不说自己有多不愿意 毕竟路是自己选的 再怎么心不甘情不愿 都得硬着头皮走下去 在送我回家的路上 也不晓得是激励还是安慰 智勇老师曾经这么地告诉我 “在你羡慕其他朋友朝九晚五的生活时, 其实他们也正羡慕着你。” 我羡慕他们 这一点没错 连瞎子都看得出 至于他们是否羡慕着我 我无法苟同…… 看着朋友最近一批又一批新鲜出炉的毕业照 心中难免起了鸡皮疙瘩 酸溜溜的思绪说是没有 铁定是自欺欺人 嫉妒感慨 这种情绪是矛盾的 一方面为朋友终于毕业而喜悦 另一方面却为自己沦为被政府遗忘的牺牲品而感伤 再过几个月就24的我 前些日子读了这么一篇文章 文章其中一段说到 So i shall stop panicking. Stop getting depressed over the fact that you are about to stop growing up and start growing old. But also it’s time for a reality check. As much as i don’t feel 25, i do, feel the need to take care of myself as a 25 yr old. Being independent, managing commitments, making big decisions, buy house, buy car, buy insurance policies, buy whatever. 语句精简 却似乎说到了我的心坎儿 其实文章中的笔者已很了不起 25岁已周游列国 买屋买车子 甚至还有一个日本籍男友 相较之下 我确实逊色太多 普通的photoshop不会用 从中学时期便想学的法语 经过时间的磨练 来来去去还只是bonjour这一句 爱情毫无时间经营 还来不及开花 花蕾已不知情地被栽下 生活围绕在自己所筑起的“小人”国世界里 活生生是个现代版的孙悟空 逃不出如来的五指山 却又不安于现状 别说是出国 现在流行的空中巴士都没坐过 最长去的国家 不就只有新...

Video Clips I've Watched

I do believe that people fall sick, only then they get an enough rest and temporarily stay away from the seemingly endless works. This is what the beloved Father do upon us. I fell sick on last Friday. No doubt I had enough rest in these two days. Well, it was the second time I caught a bad flu within this 2 months period. Thank God that it was not the influenza H1N1. Anyhow, I have a degenerative immune system to defend myself from being infected by these hazardous virus. Is it the effect of ageing? Hmmm... I guess it is. yesterday I had spent hours in watching the Japanese drama, i.e. Absolute Boyfriend. Nice and warmth drama plot indeed. and this morning, I have discovered some funny video clips and want to share here. from what I have had read from yesterday night newspaper, our local filmmakers have produced 15 short films which are related with the socio-political issues in Malaysia. And based on the trailers I had watched from YouTube, most of them are sarcastically video clips....


那一刻 你心动了吗 那一刻 我心痛了…… 花了一整天的时间 坐在电脑荧幕前 将一连11集的 《绝对男友》 看完了 对剧集里的那份情意 打动了 动心了 渴望自己也能遇上像“奈特”这样的男友 会遇到的吧 喜欢剧中的主题曲 喜欢得不得了 甚至是把它换成了电话铃声 把之前用了好几年的短讯铃声给替换掉 但人总得回归现实 人类终究是血肉之躯 经不起在大环境下的诱惑 因环境而改变 似乎已变成所有人类的必经之路 自认不是一个好情人 对于自己不能保证的事务 不能给予任何一方一点承诺 或许是自私 又或许是贪心 想要得到的却往往比自己付出的还要多


又是另一天的开始 像往常般 睡眼惺忪 无奈地起床 我的生活 活生生像透了一个机械人 白天的工作耗电量极度惊人 唯有静候黑夜的来访 给自己充充电 让体内的零件稍作冷却 准备应付隔一天的工作量 生活就这样不断地重复又重复着…… 看似平淡 其中却隐藏多变的挑战 走入社会工作四年了 对这样的一个社会既爱又恨 但无可否认 社会教育了我 “地球不会因为错失了你而止住不动 社会不会因为少了你的加入而裹足不前” 这是事实 无需争辩 一种米养百种人 这是我给社会最贴切的形容 别误会 我不是抱怨 生活中最灰暗时期已过去 目前的我 正处于巅峰状态 瞧我日益可爱又胖嘟嘟的样子 就能知道现在的我多么幸福了 然而 生活就像是不停循环的机械 谁又能预知下一个灰暗时期的到来 又会把我折腾成什么样子 不过 在那之前 我希望自己已经武装好 成为在黑暗时期“不倒的神话” 我期许着……

A Shoutout from A Frustrated Typist

I received a good news this morning. The school where I currently work at, has reached a consensus to offer me a scholarship to further studies in China. I am freaking lucky to be chosen since I am only a temporary teacher whom still under training. And not to forget, the timing is so right. People could tell that those seemingly endless work has really pissed me off all these while. Guess what. It is definitely the best timing and opportunity for me to escape from the stressful lifestyle. however, I must stress that IT WAS A DREAM... a good dream which I wish that it could turn into reality. as the Chinese saying goes, a contradiction between the dream and the reality. Frankly speaking, I am not that believe in it actually. However, everything happened today has prove me wrong. besides the newly-bought sport shoes has now vanished, my lingerie has gone too. They could be stolen by someone. But the question is... why me?! Why only my lingerie has been stolen?! What makes the thief love...

LOST : The Time We Lost

I think it does not consume too much of time with me in order to finish watching the LOST Season 5 . Yeah, absolutely yes. I had just finished watching the last episode of LOST. in the entire progress of watching it, I was reminded of the times when I truly loved this. And even till now. However, same as the Harry Potter movie series, LOST will conclude in its sixth season on the coming May 2010. Kinda upset after knowing it. like the last 4 seasons, the opening scene itself would leave you mouth wide open and you probably forget to close it for a few minutes. The shocking part is not just what happened, but who, when, where, why and how. Yet, if the opening scene does not drop your jaw, I am sure that the final scene will. in LOST Season 5, the survived Oceanic 6 have going back to the island on Ajira Airways Flight 316. And it is a totally different show. The basic format and the structure is a 'lil different, the goal and storyline is a bit clearer and all the actors are actuall...