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Showing posts from September, 2008

A News To Be Shared

*with a serious tone* a horrifying news to share with the public, especially to Malaysia citizens. Yesterday evening, at around 1630, the neighbour whom lives 1 or 2 meter distance away from my house, probably her husband or relative (I have no idea what is their relationship) is kidnapped by 3 Indians in broad daylight. And until now, the kidnappers and the victim are nowhere to be found. Jia Hui, Tze Wei and I had witnessed the frightened happening right after we heard the neighbour was screamed blue murder. Most of the neighbours were tensed up by the event. However, we could not do anything except made a SOS phone call as I saw one of the kidnappers was holding a parang . The victim was forced by the kidnappers to get into his own car. And then, the kidnappers drove their car and also the victim's car away. Do not expect the kidnappers would good in manners. According to Jia Hui, the victim had been beaten up. Is it considered fortunate as the kidnappers did not hurt the neighb...

Malacca Trip II

...we are finally come to the second day of Malacca Trip. Well, it was also the last day of trip. 2008, 21 st September. Malacca Trip Day 2. frankly speaking, I did not sleep well the whole night. That was triggered by certain reasons. Sleep without wearing socks was the main reason of greatly disturbed sleeping. I forgot to bring my socks which I used to wear when I am ready get into the bed. Felt chilled over my feet at the dead of night. Second, due to my odd behaviour, shared a bed with a colleague whom kept attempted to lean on me was kinda torturing me. That is why I rather slept on the sofa. However, slept on the sofa did not gimme a good dream either. And the noise came from every single corner of the living room had kept woken me up. Despite the fact that I was lack of rest, I was still energetic in exploring the historic state afterwards. after we had checked out the Family Room, we went to have buffet as our breakfast. Then 'course we left the place. In order to know th...

Malacca Trip

forgive me for being that lazy in posting my recent news. Also, forgive me for occupying myself with loads of work all these while. Came back from the dental clinic. Supposed to put on the braces on the upper part of teeth, but due to certain reason which I am simply lazy to explain here, I have to wait for another 3 more weeks. =( well, just cut the crap. And let us talk 'bout the fantastic Malacca Trip. p/s noted that delicacies photos are unavailable in this post, due to the reason of FORGETFUL ++" 2008, 20th September First Day of Malacca Trip woke up at 0430 in order to clean up myself and reached to school at around 0600. The bus was leaving with 42 passengers on it, children were included too. We reached Batu Pahat at around 0830. Supposed to have Dim Sum , however the restaurant was not prepared for business yet. As the result, we decided to have a simple breakfast at a kopitiam which is just located next to the restaurant. Frankly speaking, the lo mai gai was tasted...


不吐不快 吐了又怕受到拘捕的迫害 翻过今天的报章 听了今天的新闻 感慨今时的大马 -- 世风日下,道德沦亡 且让我细细道来 中国奶粉闹得沸沸扬扬 品质部长周一黯然辞职 平息民愤 回头看看 大马总暨司报告热腾腾出场 贪官依然厚脸皮地屁股粘在椅子上 这也难怪 大马人民的民膏太容易挖 肥了贪官 还得养活他们一家 谁危害了国家安宁 谁破坏了种族关系 定义在哪儿 当权者又如何执法 拉惹普特拉写了很多字 被下令多扣留两年 黄明智去年改编国歌 被警方问话三句钟 阿末说了这么多话 (除了“对不起”三个字) 被冻结党职三年 更不可思议是 赛哈密叔叔告诉记者 阿末已遭受严重的处罚 内安部不会捉他 暗指事件已结束了 请人民忘了吧 赛哈密叔叔说不捉 就真的不捉 难为郭素沁被扣留了几天 任凭人民如何抗议哀求 赛哈密叔叔的一句话 -- “内安部警方执行任务无需通过他” 一霎那塞住所有人的嘴巴 给大家说个故事吧 有个名为“联合国”的车站 聚集了来自不同国家的乘客 “马来西亚”也和其他乘客一样 迫不及待地想要赶上“全球化”火车 或许是心太急 或许是肢体不听话 “马来西亚”搭上了正在后退的“沙文”列车 或许是心慌意乱 或许是乱上加乱 后退的车速越变越快 吓坏了大家 车轮与铁轨已摩擦出火花 “马来西亚”还不懂得拉起紧急刹车器 任由列车继续往后滑 自救 “马来西亚”会吗


这是第一次与传道喝茶。。。感觉既是新鲜,也略有些害怕。他是圣光堂的新传道。做事很认真,很有魄力。。。很想和他一样,尽心尽力地去做好每一件事。与他交谈,很舒服。心中那道隐形的隔膜,很快地便被他的热情给射穿。他的好,显露出我的不足。在灵命的事工上,我赤裸裸地显示了-- 有心而力不足。 此刻的心脏大动脉,感觉上有点隐隐作痛。不是为了自己的不足而难过,而是有意无意地触及久未痊愈的伤口。曾经被告知,情伤最令人心痛。而我所经历的,伤痛程度却远远超过感情所带来的悲痛。只要淡淡的回忆起,就足以让整个心脏顿感麻痹、无力。。。这是|信任|所留下的病根,被遗留的后遗症。 用了好久好久的时间,训练自己不用泪水去治疗这样的伤口。自我催眠了好久好久,这样的伤口会有痊愈的时候。强制了自己好久好久,将这样的伤口包扎得密不透风。任由它溃烂,任由它发脓,也不愿承受心脏麻痹、无力的折磨。。。 这样的伤口,纱布依旧包得很厚,因为我仍然提不起勇气去探一探,伤口究竟有多深多痛。 临别前,传道特别嘱咐。。。早睡早起,身体好!别睡太多的午觉。。。 ++"

God Puts A Smile Upon m0n pEt!t

my life could be very simple and easy. People do not need to chill me up when I was down. Food, is the best and always-work method to keep my spirits up. And SWEATING , is the best healing medicine to get rid of all my worries and unpleasant feelings. Well, do not envy of me. Your life can be that easy too. as you guys known, my mind was totally occupied by certain issues yesterday. They fed me up, really. Even lost my appetite. Noted that losing appetite is considered serious matter to me. Thank God, I received a phone call and SMS from Low and Nyang respectively in the evening. A badminton game. HooHaa! the badminton game was started at around 2230, with Low, Nyang, Wong and Marcus. I am currently suffering from the muscular pain after the 3 hours-playing. Laughed, joked, sabotaged... I think all of us were having a great badminton session, especially I myself. Those unwanted and unpleasant feelings were just vanished into the thin air as I worked up a sweat. Not to forget, the Pelan...

I Wish I Was...

the 6th semester has finally initiated since last Saturday. And I was attended to the first tutorial of my 4th subject this morning. And guess what?! I was off to the OUM right after the tutor called to my home number. That awkward. Luckily he was not boiling against the latecomer. well, before this... I had tried to filter out unwanted thoughts and minds from writing down here. However I do really feeling a flush of anger if continuing pretend nothing had happened. first of all, my last semester results were dropped tremendously. 'course I am unhappy over it. Still, I have to accept it as I have to reap what I sow. Undeniable, the results have gave me a real kick. And I will not allow it to happen again. How insulting it is...!! somehow, as I am getting older, it seems to be pretty difficult to understand and endure the behaviours of people whom used to act juvenile. What is wrong with me? Cannot be more tolerant? hmmm... I am changing..... changing to be more understanding, I wis...

Weekly News

here we come to September...without any surprise ++". Repeated the same things almost every day and night. Love and be loved. Scold and be scolded. That is what we called LIFE ~!! 2008, 1 st September . it was holiday. Ming Shing, Pei Fang and I went to Taman Sultan Abu Bakar to jog. same as usual, I was the slowest jogger among them. Same as usual, I had a tummyache after finished a lap. But different with usual, I was really wanted to do "big business" at the moment ++". We went back to the Taman Sultan Abu Bakar after I had finished the "big business" at the nearby petrol station. Ming Shing and Pei Fang were busy in taking photos and played on the swings while I was running few more laps at the top of a hill. Then we found a place to rest and admired the seaview and 'course took some photos. after that, we went to have our breakfast at Heng Heng Kopitiam and back to home before 10am. Ming Shing was with me. We planned to make a birthday present f...