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Malacca Trip II

...we are finally come to the second day of Malacca Trip. Well, it was also the last day of trip.

2008, 21st September.
Malacca Trip Day 2.

frankly speaking, I did not sleep well the whole night. That was triggered by certain reasons. Sleep without wearing socks was the main reason of greatly disturbed sleeping. I forgot to bring my socks which I used to wear when I am ready get into the bed. Felt chilled over my feet at the dead of night. Second, due to my odd behaviour, shared a bed with a colleague whom kept attempted to lean on me was kinda torturing me. That is why I rather slept on the sofa. However, slept on the sofa did not gimme a good dream either. And the noise came from every single corner of the living room had kept woken me up. Despite the fact that I was lack of rest, I was still energetic in exploring the historic state afterwards.

after we had checked out the Family Room, we went to have buffet as our breakfast. Then 'course we left the place. In order to know the exact venue of A'Famosa Resort Malaysia, you are advised to wiki it. And I was stayed at D'Savoy Condo Tower 4, hohoho...

then we went to the Malacca largest shopping mall, Mahkota Parade to shopping. Needless to say, I was not enjoy at all as I am sort of person whom do not like to shop. I prefer to explore more, particularly those scenes which might extinct in the future. In spite of my weird behaviour, I was still bought 2 clothes for myself ++". By the way, you may found numbers of shops which you cannot find them in JB, such as Missha (if not mistaken); the Korea famous cosmetic products, Mellilea; the healthy products, TheFaceShop, etc. Too bad that I slipped the chance to go inside the shops to look around.

Malaccas largest shopping mall, the Mahkota Parade is separated from the historical core of Bandar Hilir by a huge green field called the Padang. The complex is a reddish-brown elongated multi-storey building met at one end by the posh Hotel Equatorial. Boasting 1.2 million sq ft of built-up area, it has dominated the local shopping scene from day one. Anchored by Parkson Grand (a local chain of departmental stores), it also counts on a large souvenir and handicraft centre, a supermarket, a cineplex, a food court, numerous restaurants and cafes, a bowling alley and amusement arcades to draw in the crowds.

after that, we were given 2 hours to have lunch. The bus came to St. Paul's Hill and we were dismissed. I was been there last year, with Fish. And even took a photo with angmohs. Well, along the way to statue of St. Francis Xavier, you may see a sky tower from a far distance. But I think the S'pore Sentosa Island Sky Tower looks more fabulous.

after took some photos at St. Paul's hill, we went down to the renowned Jonket Street aka Jonker Walk to crave for local delicacies. And... one of the most popular and recommended delicacies in Malacca must be Chicken Rice Ball~!!





probably 3 of the restaurant are too easily to find, I was passed by the Tiong Hua Kopitiam as there was a crowd blocked up the entrance in order to buy the chicken rice ball. Then we passed by He Ji Restaurant when it was full house. Next, we walked to Gu Cheng Chicken Rice Ball Restaurant and deeply attracted by the surround renovation. Well, just for you guys' information, the restaurant has been renovated. At first, the restaurant was located at somewhere else. And the person-in-charged bought the biggest house in Jonker Walk in order to extend the chicken rice ball business. Also, he renovated the house into palace-like restaurant. Looked awesome ( =.

























龍鳳廳旁是另一個天井,天井處掛有一幅大型的陶瓷製龍鳳呈祥圖。此圖是特別邀請中國工匠製造,耗時兩個月才完成。賴斯隆歡迎新婚人士來此取景。 (星洲日報/古城‧2006/11/13)

Penny of Thoughts
be frank, the Malacca trip was really fantastic, though it was fairly disappointed as I had no opportunity to take photo with angmohs ++". Anyway, by touching the animals, it reminded me that long time ago, Adam and his wife were able to live with animals peacefully in Eden. Felt touched and grateful as Heavenly Father was once given our ancestors to live like that. Besides that, by re-visiting St. Paul's hill, memories were flashed back. And I wondered why the statue of St. Francis Xavier has a broken hand ++".

also, my simply-not-allow-people-touching behaviour seems getting worse. I could not stand to be physically closed with friends and even family members. That is why I chose to sleep on sofa instead of cozy bed with another 2 colleagues. Not to forget, my dislike-shopping attitude is also irritating people, and I myself. Is it the consequences of changings? Still, I am what I am, playing the role of angel and devil. Do not try to change me as I never wanted to change you...


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