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Showing posts from December, 2008

2008 --> 2009

正当2008年静悄悄地来到尾声 我也止不住自己的思绪 回顾过往 台湾用了“乱” 中国用了“囧” 我 想用“琼”字来总结一年以来的世态炎凉 经一事,长一智 今年我深信不疑的人生道理 也是每每想要放弃时 鼓舞自己的一番话 “琼”字 用了名字中间的字眼 表达了今年我行我素的作风 强化了故我的倔强 “琼(穷)”字 刻画了今年为钱烦恼的种种时刻 记下为钱奔波的辛酸片段 今年 给了自己一份稍稍令自己满意的成绩单 还得努力 还得加油 还得给自己打气 家庭方面 每天都尽量抽时间和母亲吃饭 尽可能为家人做出一些贡献 功课方面 为自己撑了两年感到骄傲 为自己将来四年的师训生活默祷 事业方面 逼着自己学会沉着 催眠自己凡事放开 爱情方面 拼命冷却炽热的心 否定所有的可能性 友情方面 不想抓得太紧 免得离别时会更加伤心 今年多了两个小名 冰山 同事说我冷漠得可怕 宅女 同事说我只会呆在家 我在和时间赛跑 大家都知道 步入23岁的我 没有多少时间能够让我慢慢耗 一纸大学文凭 到现在还是我的目标 只是不晓得还得浪费多少时间才能拿到 我很贪心 今年很多东西我都想要 争取的过程也让我失去了不少 经一事,长一智 没有什么比经验知识来的更加重要 吉胆岛 马六甲 龟洛岛 东海岸 今年玩过的地方 读万卷书不如行万里路 我深深体会到 感谢天父今年给予的所有困难与挑战 感谢天父陪我度过许多酸甜苦辣的时光 明年的展望 盼望处事能更沉着稳重 盼望理性依旧胜过感性 盼望能将时间划分得更好 盼望继续冷冷地对待所有事务 盼望所有人吃得好,穿得暖 别了,2008

Macau Express

2008, 29 th December, Monday another mini birthday celebration with the colleagues. Instead of having a birthday party, I prefer to have a simple and yet relaxed dinner. That was my request. we specially caught a flight to Macau in the evening ++". nah... you do not need to be that fussy. People can find the restaurant at Jusco Tebrau, third floor. Macau Express , a S'pore franchise which serves Portuguese delicacies. From the rewards and recognitions they have achieved, I just cannot imagine how famous and success the restaurant is in S'pore. Will it be one of the famous landmark in S'pore? hohoho... ** the others recognitions are not in this photo. I wanted to order the Macau Baked 1/2 Chicken Rice, but it needs 30 minutes in preparing the dish. So I chose the Macau Baked Chicken Chop Rice . Macau Baked Chicken Chop Rice @ RM11.90 , good try. I was attracted to the dish by its color. Green, red, yellow, white, orange... kinda colorful to me. The dish is filled with ...

50 Bucks Buffet

first and foremost, billions of thank you to my beloved Heavenly Father for letting me have an opportunity to celebrate the 22 nd birthday. Then millions of thank you to the old mama for gave birth to the cutest me =D. Once again... Happy Birthday To Me last evening, I had an earlier birthday celebration with Low, Tze Wei and Jia Hui. I supposed we would have a dinner with May Jean. That is what Low informed me. Somehow it ended as a big surprise to me. A deeply touched one. I mean it. I hereby apologize to the condition of this video. It was shooting vertically. That said. It appears in horizontally way. For more explanation, please do not hesitate to contact m0n pEt!t ++". as I have mentioned earlier, it was a deeply touched surprise to me. Due to the reason of I have to prepare the dinner for the family before going out, Tze Wei purposely delayed his return to S'pore in order to have a dinner with us. Also I am pleased to have the dinner at Salt 'n" Pepper Cafe Re...

Day in Danga City Mall

2008, 21 st December, Sunday it was Dong Zhi Festival. Spent 2 hours in rolling and cooking the glutinous rice dough. Well, I prefer to name it as glutinous ball =P. at around 1430 hour, I went out with Tze Wei, Jia Hui and Low. We went to Danga City Mall 'cuz three of them wanted to buy the Christmas presents for their coursemates and colleagues. In other words, I went out for nothing ++". although that was not the first time I had been there, but it was the first time I went up to the arcade. Huge indeed. And precious few of the customers were there. We were among them ++". there was a promotion in Danga City Mall. To whom spends at least 50 bucks or above is available to enter into the prize draw. And 'course we were the participants. Note that there were precious few of the customers, we stood a higher chance to win the Danga City Mall prize draw if compared to somewhere else. That was what we believed in on the day. So we waited... in my philosophy of life, the...

The Barbeque Fest

silent night, holy night... No doubt it was a holy night yesterday, and a silent night too ++". It was pretty unusual as I did not hear the delighted screaming and laughter when the clock striked twelve. However, there is always a group of people could make a difference. A bunch of extraordinary people who would led out a stupendous cheer as the clock stricked twelve. And here they are... the 6 incredible Pelangians =D. as I had mentioned on the previous post, we did a barbeque fest at Samuel's house, the annual Christams Eve celebration venue. Samuel came and fetched me at around 1800 hour, along with Tze Wei and Rachel. Once we had reached our destination, the preparation began. Besides of the barbeque fest, Samuel's mama cooked another dish for us, i.e. Mee Siam . Since there is no such thing as a free lunch, so Rachel and I were helping Sam's mama in preparing the ingredients. after the Mee Siam is cooked, the barbaque fest was officially started with a lot of la...