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Showing posts from November, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home. hello friends, finally I have came back from Macau... and if you are really believe in it =D. is it a miracle that I could live without computer within a week? Hmmm... well, let us consider it as a miracle since hostel life is kind of boring. And I do mean it. Institut Perguruan Temenggong Ibrahim , located just next to the Larkin public library. Kind of easy to look for. life in Maktab was utterly exhausting. Besides the two days of orientation, I had to attend the tutorials from 0730 hour to 1930 hour in the other 4 days. Perhaps it had been a long time I never blogging, it seems a lil' bit harder to blog ++". Or probably all the works there had wore me out, it is not a best timing to blog. till then, I need rest. Goodnight.

Gracious Moment

the two-months-school-holidays has finally started since last Friday. That was also the graduation day for Standard 6 pupils. It had been the third time I witnessed the graduation in the same workplace. Time flies. And in this year, 115 pupils are successfully obtained 7As in the UPSR examination. Proud of them indeed. Bravo. day before the graduation day, that was the last day with my Standard 3 pupils. A bunch of lazy bums, weirdos, lil' pretties, etc. though they are all troublemakers, still they were once my students... my beloved students. I received few presents from students and colleague. Few greeting cards which I usually throw into recycle bin. Sorry 'bout that as my house is kinda filled with papers, and I am simply do not need any more. Appreciate the cards and thanks. apart from greeting cards, I also received...... Dano Polo Watch and... Waterman Pen also, I received 3 pots of flowers from the elder colleague as she knows that I am addicted to botany rather than a...


体内储存着大量的负离子 或许这就是为什么前两个星期换灯泡时触电 还好电不死 好奇 负离子加负离子 怎么都不变成正离子 数学始终在生物学里派不上用场 大量负离子的繁衍 并非一朝一夕 单从潜伏在脸部皮肤组织下的危机 就明白 冰冻三尺 非一日之寒 负离子的大量囤积 弊多于利 伤神 伤心 伤肺 伤脾 更重要的是 伤脸 ++" 这一点 我敢肯定 毕竟 我经历了好几年负离子的狠心攻击 回到主题 自十月份以来 天天都以忙碌倒数着学年的结束 虽说打从新学年的一月份开始 忙碌已占据生活的一大部分 理应习惯这种生活 但从十月份以来加倍的工作量 我只能以挑战极限 四个字作为最贴切的形容 她曾经这么说过 人类总是要在极限中才能激发个人潜能 那么我是这句话验证过程中 还没被折磨致死的样本 先是学生考试 接着是批改考卷 过后忙着自己的大学功课 同时还得兼顾工作岗位上应尽的责任 还有刚刚过去的大学期中考 紧接着的两场学生舞蹈表演 学生贷书问题 假期辅导费 学生成绩 忘了提 还有我那将在这个星期必须交上的assignment 完成指数还少过十巴仙 十来天后 还有大学期末考 书还没念 更别说是温习 还有一堆堆 一箩箩 一筐筐 乱七八糟的繁琐事 怎不叫我的整颗心成天纠在一起 脸皮表面的危机也显露无疑 想哭 第一次忙到想哭 第一次在工作岗位上忙到想哭 原谅我在这里发牢骚 放在办公室里的位子 忘了已经多久没真正将之坐暖 放在办公室桌子上的簿子 忘了已经放了多久都还没翻开来批阅完 不定时的午餐时间 忘了已经多久都没改善 放工时间 忘了已经多久都是下午三点才能回家 狼吞虎咽 忘了已经多久没好好地吃完一顿午饭 因为忙 我忘了 因为忙 我累了 因为忙 情绪越来越容易失控了 因为忙 表情目光变得呆呆的 不见人影了好几天 见上孩子们的时间决不超过一节时间 好不容易今天坐在班上一整天 单纯的孩子们也察觉 半小时的噩梦就将完结 心中难免愧疚于他们 暗自默想工作应该到了尾声 徒然 想象始终胜不了实际情况 好喘 并非跑得太急使然 在仅有的空间深呼吸 也会成为一种致命的武器 好喘 因为快被压得喘不过气 再怎么深呼吸 周遭都是致命的毒气 好喘 工作变成了压力 享受不了其中的乐趣 压抑的心情全积在肚里 形成一股怨气 埋怨的气体 原谅我今午用了〈怨恨〉来表达自己不满的情绪 原谅我用了脸部表情来表达了最真实的情绪 原谅我无法...

Adobe Director 11

6 days, 144 hours, 8640 minutes, 518400 seconds... and I am still counting down the days to the end of submission my assignment. I have done 3 and one is left. To be honest, I am simply unsatisfied with such of progression. And I have to accomplish the only and the toughest assignment within a week time. Geez. Seems like I am running out of time. unlike the previous assignments, I am facing an obstacle which I feel that it is too difficult for me to overwhelming it. However it does not mean that I cannot overcome it. Just that it might consume much of time. Macromedia Director 11, a grand new multimedia software I have to work with. although it is something new to me and I have completely no idea how to start with, still I believe that it will be a funky software which I would be addicted to. well... wish me luck and happy learning ( =

读后感想 :毛泽东 - 鲜为人知的故事

一代领袖 功业能够千古流芳 万世称颂 恶业也能让人铭记于心 遗臭万年 翻阅了早前刊登在报章上的五篇文章 略略地洞悉此等领袖生前鲜为人知的事 预先告诉了朋友 将针对文章作出读后感想 只闻朋友紧张的规劝 “用词务必恰当,若无必要,就别写了” 显然地 她比我还要担心言论自由 在这里或在那里 究竟能被拉得多长多宽 我本对他一知半解 就因他与我毫无直接性的利益关系 只本着一颗好奇之心 读了那第一篇引起读欲的文章 我无法以最确切的词汇来形容他 或许是词穷吧 直接地说 他在中国改革史上扮演着重要的角色 与其说是伟大 举足轻重或更加适合描绘他的作为 然而 生前不少损人利己的事 也不禁让我质疑 “举足轻重”-- 这一词 是否运用得恰当 毛泽东 一个你我都熟悉的名字 但又有多少同胞曾经去尝试了解他在革命期间所做出的基业 就像是秦始皇般 他统一了中国 划一了文字运用 但他也屠杀了儒人 持着〈一代暴君〉的称号 直到今时今日 而我们又该从哪个角度去审判秦始皇的基业呢 对与错 又是从哪个层面去分析的呢 当毛泽东肖像还被挂在天安门城楼门前中央的当儿 又有多少人晓得 他掌权期间 中国曾经发生过大饥荒 数以万计的人民直接性地死于这场能够避免的灾难中 而在这场维持了三年的饥荒期间中 正巧是毛泽东高速发展中国重工业领域的巅峰时期 所谓的〈大跃进〉时代 农作物生产量高于平常 重工业领域更是发展神速 那为何发生饥荒 又何以饥荒维持了三年无人理会 今天的中国 绝大部分的地基由他筑起 〈革命英雄〉这等称号 在大部分的中国子民耳中 听起来也不觉刺耳 但在小部分人民心中 或许意义大不相同 仿如之前所提及 对与错 必须从不同的层面来探讨 究竟是“共产主义者”、“无神论者”、还是“唯物主义者” 我无法就只凭个人思想将之划分出来 毕竟我无法主宰时间倒流 体会当下他一心想要将中国改造成军事大国的理念 更加无法断定每每他所做出决定的心境 改革需要牺牲 如果没有秦始皇当时的霸气 没有他一统天下的决心 长城不会筑起 文字不会划一 金钱使用或许不会普及 中国可能到现在还在战火中也说不定 换句话说 如果没有毛泽东当时的一意孤行 没有他想要让中国成为军事大国的决心 现在繁荣的城市或许不是北京 中国可能还在封建时期 执著于信仰上的迷信

Big Is Beautiful

there is a fishery nearby the mangal. In fact, there are a few of fish farms within the area. We went to there and took a look, 'course. you have to be extra caraful when you are walking on the stilts in terms of you do not wanna be a wet chicken. after that, we went to have our feast. Seafood. Again. Great cooking and fresh ingredients. All of us were satisfied over the food they served. Not to forget, visitors must try the local renown dessert before they leave. Coconut pudding, the best-in-taste-and-yet-simple-looked-dessert I ever had. The main ingredient is 'course coconut milk. There are many flavours of pudding, included yam, mango, pure coconut milk, sirap , and pandan . I had chose yam which is in purple colour. Simply cannot forget the taste. ( = Best try, must try. as the final destination, we went to Senai Saleng Zoological Garden. RM12 per person. Before entering the zoo, visitors are required to apply a type of cream which provided by the zoo management. What is t...

Go Green

Pontian comprises numbers of mangrove swamp. You have to believe it. After came out from the Tanjung Piai Johor National Park , we took a boat to another mangrove swamp. And it is more fun to stay in there, compared to Tanjung Piai Johor National Park . As a height-phobic, at least, I had the chance to cross the suspension bridge ++". have you ever seen the mangrove seeds in mangal? Well, I saw plethora of them. Even took one up to take a photo. They are all long in shape. Greenish and skinny. The seeds have cap like tops and when the seeds are ready to fall, it drops out leaving the cap behind. A new seed will start to grow in the empty cap. If the seed falls into the water it will float to a new location and start a new colony. Just like a coconut, ain't it? To be continued...