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2/3 or 1/3?

I had a dream last night. Hmmm... or maybe just couple hours before I had have completely woken up. I dreamt that Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Batawi was standing on a stage and was giving his speech to the audiences. Meanwhile, he apologized to the audiences and Malaysian citizens on his party's humiliating defeat...

last night I had went out to have supper with friends, so I was not sure about the results of polling. Before I went out, I was only got the news of Penang has fall into DAP's hands, PKR manages to take control of Selangor, and also PAS has retained Kelantan and Kedah comfortably. And also I had received the news that the 72-year-old Samy Vellu has finally lost his parliamentary seat. Yeah, I think it is time for him to retire.

Old man, just leave the seat to someone younger and do enjoy your retiring life.

since then, I did not receive any news anymore until just now, the moment I had read the news from i-SinChew and The New Straits Times Online. Hmmm... to me, I think it would be the biggest news today. After the hectic and tiring polling day, BN had lost Penang, Selangor, and Perak to DAP and PKR respectively. Somehow, I knew the reasons why Penang and Perak could fall into DAP's hands. And most of us knew it. However, I have my worries as PKR has win the authority to control Selangor and started to win the MYs' hearts gradually!! Anwar has starting to stage a comeback. Nobody should deny it. Neither am I. After this, do you think that there would be anyone can stop him from achieving his goals? Even his daughter is helping him now. By now, I am wondering, does Tun Dr. Mahathir worry about it? Or maybe the current Prima Minister did?

BN has lost the 2/3 majority, as I'd predicted. But still, Pak Lah will remain as the Prime Minister while major of the deputy ministers are going to change. How does he going to rule the country after these shocking attacks? Are Malaysians going to have more confidence over the new era government ruling system? Are Malaysians going to be more united after this? Will all the states in Malaysia are able to be well-developed? Who is going to guarantee that MPs will attend to the parliament meeting on time, never absent from it, never sleep when the meeting is launching, and do their best in serving the citizens?

in the coming 4 to 5 years, will Malaysia moving forward or just stepping on the ground? I am worrying...


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