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The Warmth Season of Sharing and Giving

less than 2 hours to go before the White Christmas 2007 is gonna be ended. Time flies, a shout out from the depth of my heart.

days later, I've to summarize and make an introspectively remark against I myself, in this whole entire year.

*deep breath*

although without the feast of turkey and wine, this Christmas seen to be much more meaningful than last few years. Thank God.

couldn't remember the date I'd received a small Christmas present from my current part time employer. There was a piece of Mérci chocolate inside the little package. One of my favourite chocolate. ( =

22nd Dec, a Christmas trip to S'pore. Yeah, with TSL, Jia Hui and the only male friend, Tze Wei, we went to S'pore most fashionable and glamorous shopping compound, Orchard Road to admire the Christmas decoration.

with the hundreds and hundreds of Christmas lightings which were dangling just right above our head, and not to forget, the lively Christmas songs as the background, I could tell that we were enjoyed it, The.Christmassy.Atmosphere.

23rd Dec, I was skipped the church gathering again and prepared to be a spendthrift shopper. This is what I meant by The.Warmth.Season.Of.Giving. The season of GIVING money. >.<

met up with Jin at around 3pm and started my shopping journey in LM. 120 bucks was spent within 2 hours. o.O Besides of spending 'bout 50 bucks in the daily necessities, 30 bucks is for my current lovely white footwear. Yeah, au revoir to the PURPLE and this time I've finally came out with something WHITE.

and another 40 bucks was spent on the cosmetics products. @.@

*with sight of guilty*

from here, we should understand why people are always saying -- "women's money are easily to earn." And I was one of the women mentioned on above. A lash curler, a small bottle of shining nail polish in colour of light purple, a bottle of nail polish remover, and an eyeliner pencil had definitely turned myself to be struck dumb. Truly costly. Until now, I still unable to understand how Yin could be that generously in buying those cosmetics products through online shopping.

Oh Jesus, just let me find out the true meaning of being beauty.

24th Dec, a long-awaited Christmas Eve party (it's more like a friends gathering) was held at the most familiar venue, Sam's house. But this time, we had Tze Wei and Rachel as the party organizers instead of the house owner, Sam boss. hohoho... Due to the reasons of limited budget and the shocking attendance figures, there was no fireworks setting off in the front yard as what we did couple of years ago. And the presents exchanging session had to call off for the same reasons. However, the main purpose of organizing the gathering wasn't for those materialistic reasons, but maintaining the friendships. We, as the Pelangians are still playing our essential roles respectively in the relationships among ourselves. Just keep work on it. Friends.Forever.

the time I reached home was already 2.30am, surprisingly Jin was still logged on the MSN. For the sake of caffeine, she was sleepless. So I'd a little chat with her in the middle of the night. Meanwhile, Wen-li whom currently studies in Russia had sent me a Christmas greeting. 'cuz of the time difference, it was pretty odd to me to chat with her since Malaysians could see the sunrise 4 or 5 hours earlier than Russia. >.<

25th Dec, 6 hours of sleeping time, I'd woke up at around 10 o'clock in the morning. The hairstylist (auntie actually...) arrived at around 11am in order to give me a simple haircut. An hour later, I stood in front of the mirror with my new hairstyle.

at around 2pm, Xue Hui and I finally had the opportunity to go out together. It was the very first time after she's returned back to JB in the end of Oct. We caught a movie, Aliens vs. Predators in LM movie theatre. Another 100% pure entertaining, commercialized movie which has no delicate message to be delivered to the audiences. =\

after the show, Xue Hui and I went to Jiu Zhou (Japanese food restaurant) to fill up our stomach.

Besides eating and drinking, we chatted 'bout our studies, our future, our current challenges, our friends, her sisters, my old mama, her ex-cum-another Pelangian, her current boyfriend, my ex-him and etc. I prefer this kinda chatting way. Two different individuals exchanging and sharing the different opinions and views of matter.

yeah, this's my Christmas. A meaningful and enjoyable warmth Christmas. ( =


Anonymous said…
wahhh...ur new hairstyle seems suit u le...u look pretty!!!!...hahaha...i also wanna haircut!!!! no $$ liaw after buying contacts....cry~~~~who can giv me $$???!!!!
m0n pEt!t said…
hohoho.. thank you. I also feel this haircut very cute leh.. 9 bucks only.. hohoho...
Anonymous said…
LoL... so late liao stioll ask for comment... if tomorow i late liao then u have to pay me ot fee....

Hahahah... nah just jk..

Seem like ur english has been improving alot since the last time i saw ur blog on ??(maybe 2 years ago) hahhaha..

Anyway, ppl 1 to earn ur money also vv hard lol.. as u only buy 1 thing each... other ppl usually bought 3 to 4 pair at each time...and go to salon to have their face done every month or even weeks... So u are still that type of ppl who are vv "kiam siap'... lol ... no hard felling k my old kinder-mate....

Hai... i think i write too long liao lah... Should be enought liao right... ur birthday coming soon right?? how to think that u going to spend ur birthday at the badminton court or the bowling alley????

Can't not even imagine that u are going to spend ur 21st birthday at this place... i hope u can change the place and made it more meaningful for urself...Think of other place lol...Don't ask me.. Better ask BOSS.. he know more place than we(me,twei,low) do....

Think have to end at here...
So next time need more comment ask me lol... also have to see got time or not...

So the next time will be charge as OT my rate is quite high... Better be prepare to receive my PO..

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