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时间一旦流逝了 只能眼巴巴地看着它消逝 真的想追也追不回 ~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~** 今晚有些郁闷 又或许 正确地来说 出外回来后 就开始觉得整颗心很不舒服 应该是随着日子的逼近 心情也随着思绪起伏不定 就连跑步的脚步 也变得些许沉重 也许是回忆的累赘吧 原以为会靠着酒精说出来的话 后来才发现根本就不想让自己有喝醉的机会 能不说吗 能忘掉吗 想念 却不想见 ~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~** 回忆 可以是最美的 也可以是最寂寞的

Tian Yuan(甜元糖水小吃店)

never ask me what makes me so hard to update the bloggie in this year. I wish to know too. Apparently being busy is just another inexcusable excuse. You and I are busy all the time. And the whole world population too. But... the only difference between you and I is that how good we are in managing the time. And obviously I am the weakest in the matter of time management. Still... who cares? months ago (I think is on September), I was given a chance to drive to Taman Universiti with 2 colleagues. Although the elder brother was graduated from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), but that was the very first time I visited the town, other than the university compound itself. And frankly speaking, without the colleagues, I am fairly sure that I would not be able to get there again, unless someone else knows the right path or a GPS is sponsored to me. That said. It might be the last time of visiting the town of Taman Universiti. Tian Yuan(甜元糖水小吃店), a dessert shop which located in Tam

Gianni's Trattoria Restaurant & Cafe

dear bloggie , life without you... SUCKS! and dear faithfully readers, I miss you guys just as how badly you guys are missing me too. hohoho... apparently the seemingly never-ending work is still waiting for me to accomplish it. However, I just cannot tehen anymore. I miss bloggie so badly. Just try to understand a concept: how could we ask a writer not to write, or a singer not to sing? Now you might understand how I feel when I was unable to blog while I intended to that much. So I decided to take the risk. The risk of unable to complete the work in time. ++" last Sunday, hardly the Pelangians had a gathering with one of the long-lost friend, Sin Yee at Gianni's Trattoria Restaurant & Cafe . It is an Italian restaurant which caught my attention, so I decided to hold an event at there. Sin Yee, Jia Hui, Tze Wei and I reached at around 1230 hours. Only God knew how famished I was since I had not eaten started from Saturday afternoon till then. So I just could not


耶和华神使他沉睡,他就睡了。于是取下他的一条肋骨,又把肉合起来。耶和华神就用那人身上所取的肋骨,造成一个女人,领她到那人跟前。那人说,这是我骨中的骨,肉中的肉,可以称她为女人,因为她是从男人身上取出来的。因此,人要离开父母与妻子连合,二人成为一体。 创世纪2:21-24 男女的结合 像是上帝已应许般 一条人生必经的道路 这一切 仿佛就像是在上帝的计划中所产生的 几天前 我开始思考 如果当时 上帝从始祖亚当的体内拿出了那根骨头 把它化作成男生 故事会不会有另一种新篇章 天父有怜悯之心 众所周知 当上帝造出了亚当 似乎已预料他会因个人的独处而感到寂寞 于是 上帝另造了夏娃与他做伴 天父心中充满爱心 希望所造之物也能一样 以爱灌溉大地 但 数千年以后 活在科技下的 我们又该如何诠释这份爱呢 ~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~** 恋爱 会让人感到甜滋滋 亦会让人肝肠寸断 纵观如此 人类还是渴望爱情 向往爱与被爱的滋味 这是从我们的始祖亚当和夏娃那儿所遗传的基因 人类因害怕寂寞 而奋不顾身地追求一段段似有若无的恋情 就像当初上帝害怕亚当会寂寞般 人类也在茫茫人海中寻找着自己遗失许久的那根肋骨 哪怕到最后可能会粉身碎骨 爱情 究竟是什么 单纯的你爱我;我爱你 不断重复着一生中必经的某个里程碑 还是有着更深沉的意义呢 耐人寻味 我不急于寻找答案 比起努力地寻找着可能永远都找不到的答案 人生中似乎还有更重要的事等着我去伤脑筋 不是吗 我 依旧故我 渴望被疼、被爱的同时 却依然时时刻刻提醒自己 理性 必须摆在第一位 永远的第一位 这样才能尽量远离伤害 最后 知道我发现了什么吗 上帝让人类有了爱情 必定是希望人类能从中尝尽酸甜苦辣、 各般滋味 让人类有更多的成长空间 以爱去对待、保护至亲的人 或许这就是为什么 亚当受夏娃连累被逐出伊甸园后 两人还是能够一起生活 直到百年终老 爱 很奇妙 更是微妙 取决于 你有没有那份勇气 真正地去爱 并享受被爱

Cameron Highlands Trip Overview

people love travel, so do I. I always wish that I could travel to oversea in order to explore everything which I have never explore yet. And I firmly believe that by traveling and exploring the others' lifestyle, people can only then understand how tiny they are in this world. if travel can be categorized as a hobby, let it be mine. However, this hobby is strictly restricted by the money matter. You want to travel? 'course you can if you got the money! It is simply undeniable that money does matter. Thus I have decided to save up a lot of money for holidays trips to somewhere farther. in the process of saving up money to somewhere farther, I had traveled with friends to somewhere nearer and apparently it did not cost me too much of money.  it was a nation of flower. Nation?! Hmmm... countryside to be exact. All the veggie and fruits there are as fresh as daisy. Everyday. according to Wikipedia, Cameron Highlands is actually a district in Pahang. I, as a geograp

Mischievous Kiss

well, I think this is pretty interesting when I do not have any desire to follow the others' steps as they are watching and discussing 'bout the newest Korean drama, i.e. Personal Taste which has been aired every Saturdays, 9.30p.m. on Channel U since couple weeks ago. Who knows it would be possibly the side effects of watching  The Temptation of Wife . It was a best drama production which makes me feel so hard to watch another Korean drama. It might be a lousy production, ain't it? however days getting boring while I am waiting for the next season of Vampire's Diary. So I decided to let myself go. Coincidentally, Hwee San told me that Kim Hyun Joong's new drama is aired on PPS. Thus, there is no reason for saying NO to Korea drama anymore. Mischievous Kiss (abbreviation MK), is also known as Naughty Kiss or Playful Kiss. The drama is based off on the popular Japanese manga book, i.e. Itazura na Kiss, and the Taiwanese drama, i.e. It Started With a Kiss. The Ja

Pentax K-x

to all the beloved readers, I am back... from abandoning this bloggie that long. More than 2 months?! Are you guys missing me? Thirst for my writing? I am sorry for letting you guys down again and again. I knew... I did promised that I will try to update the post as often as I could. But all of you gotta trust it... the time was fully occupied in countless of tasks. I did not mean to break the promise. I mean it. And no more promise-breaking this time. in the past 2 or 3 months, plethora of stories have been gathered. Just simply cannot wait to share with you guys one by one, step by step. after the failure attempt in sending my photos to Shutterstock, I realized that a good equipment plays an important role in photo-shooting. Well, I am not criticizing that the current dummy camera, Pentax Optio M50, is bad, however we cannot deny that it is not good enough if compared to the latest or newest camera models.  all of us should understand that the technological equipments are evo

Love Conquers All

what a day... came back so early from Maktab. It makes me feel like to write. Yeah, write. Something I wish that I could do it everyday. Share all my thoughts and opinions. To neutralize my thinking. I shall say... my brain cells are too active in having penny of thoughts.  frankly speaking, I had been written a post last night. However an error occurred which made my post unable to upload successfully. Perhaps it was coincidence or the work of Heavenly Father, the English test which had been conducted in this morning, was slightly related with the content I wrote last night. someday the rose might wilt. Nothing is going to be everlasting, except the love we have in the depth of our hearts. Love conquers all. that is my answer for a question that requested us to give our personal response based on a poem. yeah, love conquers all. the idea comes from the Vampire Diaries. A new American drama series which I am addicted to recently. have you ever thought that there would be somethin


I am a member of Shutterstock. Since couple months ago. Shutterstock is a photography website where you may download ('course you need to pay) or sell images. For you guys' information, I am not that kinda people whom loves to fork out the hard-earned money on photos. So why am I becoming a member of it? Yeah, to sell photos. however it is not as easy as I thought to sell the photos via Shutterstock. After I have obtained the membership, it does not mean that I can submit or upload all the photos as I like. Before uploading any photos, I was requested to submit the photocopied passbook in order to identify my identity. Meanwhile, CHEATING is not allowed. The ID you uploaded for the  ShutterStock  Submission program was rejected because: Your passport/ID is out of focus/unreadable or has been cropped.  Please upload a clear copy of your identification that has not been cropped in your submit account. after the photocopied passbook which I had uploaded was approved and accepte


IT ROO is an old-established cafe kopitiam amongst the locals. I think almost every JB-ian knows IT ROO for their specialty fried chicken chop. It is located at Jalan Dhoby, just right behind the That's Cafe . I was "accidentally" knowing that the fried chicken chop is their signature dish, so I decided to give it a try. I was attempted to try the dish on Labor Day, but only God knows they were not doing their business on that day. last weekend I got the chance to try the dish at last. With Jia Hui and Se Xun. three simple menus were presented to us upon our arrival. The award-winning (the best chicken chop in town voted by The Star) chicken chop is the first item on the menu. The menu is ranging from Western dishes, Chinese dishes, variety of noodles, soups and sandwiches, drinks and desserts. Jia Hui and I ordered two sets of Fried Chicken Chop in Mushroom Sauce while Se Xun ordered a set of Grilled Chicken Chop in Black Pepper Sauce. Both types of chicken chop