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Showing posts from April, 2009


原本以为自己很洒脱 认为已放下那段往事的我 赫然发现自己其实还在眷恋着什么 白痴 心理不断地重复着责骂自己 不是他绝 而是我不够狠 他再次让回忆留下污点 这次我绝不原谅 怎么当初的我会让这样的人进入我的世界里 准是瞎了眼 再也找不到任何理由不去讨厌他 不 应该是 连让我讨厌的资格都没有 真是活见鬼


the old mama's culinary skill is always the best. Finished the dinner minutes ago. Satisfied with the dishes. Probably hunger is the best sauce, the food tasted delicious. I do not like Friday actually. I have to work for 12 hours at the workplace. Off to work at 0630 hour and back to home at 1900 hour. Completely worn out after a long day spent working in the field and office. hmmm... it is exhausted. Yet I have to accomplished a mission tonight. Geez. Desperately wanted to rest in fact. am trying to filter out the gossips and rumors 'bout me since yesterday. Feeling better now. I should concluded that it is hard to be a good person, especially at my workplace. Due to the reason of they do not know how to use the brain to figure things out? Or due to the reason of they like to jump into conclusion with the only limited understanding of incidents? I have no idea. But I am pretty sure that it would not happen if I could cut into a half and complete the tasks simultaneously. Yell...


the mailbox is flooded with plethora of unread mails. The Facebook main page is flooded with types of quizzes. Now only I know how irritated to view all these information-flooded web pages. Not to say reading it piece by piece. it is like living in an oven recently. The weather is burning hot out there. And the most ridiculous matter is that people are still burning the rubbish illegally under these kinda weather. What are they thinking of actually? Freaking hell! today is just another ordinary day. Dull. Planned to go to S'pore again. But where am I want to visit next? Hmmm... no idea. Feel like to go somewhere farther, but money does matter. Poor me. Started feeling jealous of the cousin who is going to travel to China on this coming July. Started feeling jealous of See Ling too. She is going to travel to Hong Kong and Macau on this coming June. Geez. MACAU!! A place I wanted to travel to. And she will be traveled there without me. Poor me.

To Share

guess what... I am thinking that it is going to have a higher posting rate in this month. Yeah right, definitely it would be. Including today's, this is the sixth post of April. One more post and I am going to exceed the previous months records. Still trying very hard to keep my bloggie be updated all the time. God knows how hectic my life is. Just peep at my calendar (timetable)... FULL! That is not included my working hours. Even the old mama was making sarcastic remark last night, i.e. "it seems to be I have to make an appointment if wanna ask you out. You're such a busy person." . See, the bored old mama had lodge a complaint to me. What to do? I am not busy in having fun. On the contrary, I am work so hard in order to earn more. I really hope to own a car before the end of this year. hmmmm.. well, drop the topic. Have you heard the album Under The Radar by Daniel Powter? If not, you should not miss it. It is another best album from him. You may listen to the cur...

Night Whispers

while waiting for the photos upload process, I am here to crap ++". Again, work on the workplace official website. It seems to be my personal website since the Penolong Kanan I has given me the authority to design it as what I desired. attended to the routine oral checkup this evening. Everything was fine. As usual, the charmed dentist changed the so-called oral rubber band for me. Till now, I still have not suffer from any sharp pain. But who knows what will happen to my teeth on tomorrow morning. Based on the personal experiences, the pain would be excruciating on the next day morning. Oh...God bless. by the way, this is the first day of old mama's retirement. She feels bored, 'course. Really hope that she could get used of it. just a simple 'lil crappy here. Goodnight.


人因梦想而伟大 我也因着梦想而不断地前进 倘若有一天梦想离我而去 我又该何去何从 友人曾经对我说过 当梦想一天天地达成 感受到的 并非仅仅只有喜乐 害怕的心理也会随之而来 年少时的梦想有很多 当一步一步筑起通往梦想之门的高桥时 当渐渐看见梦想之树结出果时 当梦想之果一颗一颗地被吃进肚里时 下一步 我该怎么走 仿佛了解友人当时的矛盾心情 当盼望多时的梦想达成时 努力的目标瞬间化为乌有 下一步 究竟该走该留 也成了一个未知数 心中那突如其来的落寞 也会将人活生生地淹没 我开始担心 不是因为梦想已达成 而是它就离我不远 恨不得马上拥有 却担忧接下去的日子该怎么过 去年年尾 得到了稳定的工作 今年七八月 将会拥有想要的外表容貌 今年年尾 可能有能力买车给自己代步 刚刚不久 恢复了原先的健康体魄 明年年中 更会达成自己努力了那么多年的梦想 我的下一个目标 会是什么 好令人忧心

The New Web Browser

hmmm.. well, I have just screwed up the Internet Explorer 7 in my computer. Unable to run it at all. Have no idea what is wrong exactly. And I am trying to fix the problem before the two brothers pointed out my mistakes. Meanwhile, I am using the Google Chrome as the web browser now. God knows how addict am I in the services of Google. It is cool and fantastic. I am loving it. It will be my default browser from now on. So addicted ( =. but... the school official website is not supported by the Google Chrome. The content is overlapping...terribly. Geez. Same problem in using FireFox. went to PIBG meeting in this evening. Felt good. Everything goes on the right track so far. the old mama has resigned. She hopes to enjoy a long and happy retirement. In year 2002, she started to work as a receptionist. No holidays. No leisures. But only work. Anyway starting from tomorrow, she is going to be a woman of leisure ++". Hohoho... Hopes she will get use of it soon. hmmm... will try to rest...

Summary of Recent Life

miss me? Or miss my post? Sorry for disappearing from this bloggie for such of long period. I had been assigned to propose a recovery plan of global economic recession in the past few weeks. If you believe. undeniably, life is getting more busier (just beyond my expectation) and I am growing fatter ++". hmmm... well, EAT has became excellent way for retrieving stress. And either directly or indirectly, that is how I got fat. And the flat tummy is like bid me goodbye. anyhow, during these days of non-blogging, many stories wanted to be told. But I do not want to make this post incredibly long-winded. Thus, allow me to make it as simple as possible. last Saturday, i.e. 11 st April, it was school day. My class had a birthday celebration with one of the pupils. And his mother is my colleague as well. still remember the greenish monitor I mentioned in the previous post? frankly speaking, I still have no idea what happened with it. Anyway, I have bought a new LG Flatron LCD in PC Fair ...


又是忙碌的一天 现在腰很酸 老毛病 不管站或坐 同样的姿势就是不能维持太久 今天 很碰巧地 站了一整天 从早上到傍晚 皮下组织缺水的情况越渐严重 忙得坐下喝水的时间都没有 午餐也是匆匆忙忙地吞下肚 因此 特别珍惜早上上课前的那顿早餐时间 同事说我很容易满足 只要不饿着肚子 脸上总是挂着笑容 没错 容易满足不是坏事 起码越容易满足 相对地 也越懂得珍惜 饿着肚子很难受 情绪容易失控 小事就会发飙 典型不吃不行的我 最近或许工作量倍增 又或者是压力开始对我展开猛烈攻击 肚子似乎长期处于饥饿的状况中 怎么吃都没有饱食一顿的感觉 脑海中还不断地浮现猪脚醋的画面 现在眼皮很重 累得要命 要睡了。。。