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I'm back to blog, people! @ 撒旦,你在一旁偷笑吗?

我回来了! I'm back to blog, people! 相隔近4个月,终于“甘愿”回来blog了…… 这会是随性的一篇 想到什么就打什么的一篇 原本计划利用一个星期的假期时间 好好地blog一篇美食篇 事实证实我没办到 是忘了怎么blog了吗? 还是忘了自己的blog style? 现在距离午夜一点钟只仅仅相差十来分钟 必须速战速决 美食篇…… 就下次吧 blogger换了新面貌 还在适应当中 15分钟前还在外头呼吸自由空气的我 此刻正在调适心情 准备为明天而战 大家都说吃甜食会让心情舒畅些 所以刻意吃了许多糖份较高的宵夜 确保明日万无一失 假期中 有意无意地忘记了许多的事 就连明日将进行的校务会议也忘了 还是经由老师提醒 才猛然想起 上次的会议 因为讲师视察教学 全校就只有我 侥幸逃过目睹那在会议中上演的“宫廷革命” 或许是年纪大了 对这类的纷纷绕绕感到十足的厌恶 请记得 当我裹足不前的时候 请不要强行地将我牵扯其中 别让我亲眼目睹人性的丑陋 因为我不想…… 让撒旦在一旁偷笑 纳闷…… 明天的会议又会是什么情景呢? 整车的书 只改了4叠半 还有一堆paper work,assignments 也被我搁在一旁 抱歉了 我只想放假 大脑思维、手脚肢体…… 都哀求我让它们放假 假期的无所事事 对我而言 ……真的很重要 放假期间 整理了睡房、书桌,外加天井和电脑桌 给自己设计了一个灵修的好角落 满意! 再也没借口对灵修说不了 还在为自己规划人生目标 忙! 之前真的是太忙(盲)了 差点看不清方向了 假期虽结束了 仍会 继续沉淀 想想……


Google Inc. is pleased to offer you a job as a Customer Solutions Engineer. We trust that your knowledge and skills will be among our most valuable assets. yes! yes! yes! it is a Google mail. Found in my mailbox in this evening. When I back from tuition class. All the way from Hong Kong. God knows how madly I am in love with Google. That explains why I was nearly scream like hell when I saw the 6 colorful alphabet letters on the envelope. however what has written in the letter is not what has stated above. It was a thank you gift from Google. in fact I dreamed of having a job in Google and I always do. It could be a dream but I know dream may come true one day. Who knows?!


多少人晓得正常的工作时间为一周45小时? 在这样的复活节,边观赏着《红星大奖2011》,边改着一本本的功课,我深知这是个既没工钱,又没完没了的超时工作。金钱换不了时间,更别说是没工钱的牺牲。 怎么能够用金钱来衡量责任呢?我曾经为此感到困惑。直到现在,我依旧对检测责任感的准绳感到疑惑。可换个角度想想,与其将大部分时间只投注在批改作业上,挪用自己的时间去做自己喜欢、想做的事,应该不算是罪过吧? 我不甘心每个工作日的夜晚、每个星期的周末都还得望着一堆堆的簿子,默默地接受着一直改,拼命改,可又怎么都改不完的结果!我更不甘心眼巴巴地看着大部分时间都被簿子作业占用,而逐渐地将自己喜欢做的事都搁置一旁,不加理会。今晚,我出奇地想念我那许久都没更新的部落格。我甚至忘了最后一次安静地看书,通过书籍自我提升的时候。然而我更希望周末能够放松心情,懒洋洋地度过…… 啊…… 看着身旁还没改完的书,好恨!我的生命、人生…… 真的不该让作业簿子给埋没! 心头萌起了这个念头 —— “我的时间,由我掌控!45小时,明天起行动!”

Gmail Motion

Google always surprises me. With its bloody powerful and user-friendly products. today Google has launched a grand new product. Called Gmail Motion. Wow... Introducing a new way to interact with Gmail – using your body! Gmail Motion can help you improve the way you interact with your email.  my curiosity killed the cat. Wondered how to interact Gmail by using body. So I clicked on the link in order to find out more. I was so excited and wanted to know so much on how exactly the Gmail Motion works. Thus I skipped the videos. And tried to install it. while looked at the screen as Gmail Motion was installing, I knew there must be something that would inspired me. and 'course Google has never disappointed me... ++" this is the lamest nonsense I had today. But it did put a smile on my face. What else should I ask for? anyhow...  Happy April Fools' Day to all of you. it is not that bad to be a fool once in a while. =D

An Overview of the Life in IPGM-KTI

by glancing at the title of this post, obviously it tells that the teacher training college has changed its name to Institut Pendidikan Guru Malaysia Kampus Temenggong Ibrahim (IPGM-KTI). was sitting for the exam of semester yesterday. Have a faith of passing the exam, somehow. Hope to complete the course as soon as possible, but at the same time I am deeply knowing that the holidays were fully occupied by the training courses. It makes my life so meaningful. I cannot imagine how bored the holidays would be if the training is completed. Oh dear... how self-contradiction it is. anyway, there is something we can never deny. Time flies. This is the third year of the training. One more year to complete it. Things are going better after I made myself a promise that to get used to the life there. Was compelling myself to be more friendly to the others and most importantly, smile more. Hence here comes the result sheet. I think I have survived from it and am fairly satisfied with the outcom


cautious! This is a christianity-post. However you, as the reader, can rest assured since I am not going to preach the gospel (although I feel like to). Christians like to share short stories. I am included as well. have involved myself in a christianity-group recently. I would like to call it as churchees instead of the Young Working Adult Group.  was performing couple weeks ago. Praise to the Lord. was having a Chinese New Year steamboat feast last week. Bloody enjoyable. this is a big family. Started to love it. I feel good to be a Christian and lead my life christianity. O Lord... thanks for being with me all these while.

I Love Hong Kong

what are you expecting to have from these fluffy, adorable, cuddly... and some say yummy creature -- Bunny in this year? as we are entering the Year of Bunny in the Chinese zodiac, there are numbers of film-makers from different countries have managed to get the new year off to a festive and fun start by taking in numbers of enjoyable Chinese New Year movies. in M'sia, we have 《天天好天 Great Day》; in S'pore, they have 《大世界 It's A Great Great World》 and 《笑着回家 Homecoming》. In China, they have 《神奇侠侣 Mr. and Mrs. Incredible》; in Hong Kong, they have 《最强喜事 All's Well End's Well》and 《我爱香港·开心万岁 I Love Hong Kong》. Even in Hollywood, they have 《The Green Hornet》 . so many movies to watch, how could people are still complaining Chinese New Year is boring?! I brought the old mama to watch a movie in the evening. A movie from the producer of 《72 Tenants of Prosperity》 . 《我爱香港·开心万岁 I Love Hong Kong》is another  particular brand of comedy which is affectionately known as mou le

Life Is Uncertain, Eat Dessert First

Ernestine Ulmer, a little-known but much-quoted writer, was once said Life is uncertain, eat dessert first . I like this quote for unknowing reason.  last month Jean, Low, Uncle Nyang and I went to S'pore Bugis to have a Chinese-New-Year-shopping. Jean parked the car in Bugis Junction, then we walked to somewhere (you see... I'm in ignorance 'bout the streets. ) to buy an apple pie. the apple pie is strongly recommended by Jean and Low.  by looking at the brownish layer, it reminds me of roasted pig. This is not the McD apple pie. This apple pie is a classic, from the scrumptious filling to the flaky crisp brown crust.  sorry of this disgusting photo. But I really want to show the readers that how scrumptious the filling is inside the pie. Apparently the pie is filled with well-cooked apple. And I am simply cannot help remarking its cream usage. Not too much and yet not too little. The serve was so right as the pie did not tasted greasy at all. we shared the apple

ali cafe

I have no idea what is the relationship between Raymond Lam and ali. Both of them seems to be the most loyal supporters of Alicafé. by glancing at the exterior design, I felt a sudden urge to explore the cafe. The spirit was brighten up right at that point of time. seeing is believing. Both interior and exterior designs are indeed superb. I am so regretted that I did not bring the camera there to capture the atmosphere in photograph. Luckily I am not the only one who blog 'bout it. Someone has did it before me. nowadays, a unique menu is as important as the food and drink in a cafe. And I think Ali Cafe has successfully did it. with the freaking local jargons and description, the menu reminded me that it is so Malaysia.  from the menu, everything looked so nice and attractive. However the images are truly for display purposes only. Let us see the differences. well... sorry about the poor lighting photo. It was taken with mobile phone camera. Did not make a

A Small Gathering with Nico and Jin

bid farewell to the unproductive year 2010. And welcome to the new year 2011. I know that it sounds lame to say so on the seventh day of the year. was glanced at the total amount of entries I had posted last year. Shocked. 26 posts altogether. It is the least posted entries since year 2008. How did I make it?! Anyway it does not matter anymore. As long as I can make sure that the same old problem will not occur again in this year. most of the countries as well as certain states in M'sia were having a holiday on the first day of new year. However Johor was excluded. Until now, I still cannot figure out the reason of not having holiday as other states and countries did. And due to the reason of not having holiday, I had to work on the very first day of new year. Sounded pathetic to me. however God is always with me. He knew how unwilling I was to work on that day, so He made me a compensation. A small gathering with Nico and Jin. that was a small gathering indeed. It involved th