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The Making of Cashew Nuts

the January of year 2010 has finally come to the end. Time and tide wait for no man. I was toiling over the seemingly never-ending work in this entire month. I could hardly get the free time to have the lunch at around 3 or 4 o'clock in every working days. And the sleeping time was insufficient too. Ain't you know, got not enough resting could actually speed up the process of ageing? Thus, both of the bad habits are considered bad for health indeed. So I decided to make a change. In the month of February, I wanna lead a more healthier lifestyle. No matter how busy the work it is, I must be punctual for the lunch and always have myself enough rest. Otherwise... NO WORK!!

throughout the month of January, the tiredness has accumulated day after day. Sleep, seems to be the only method to get rid of the fatigue feeling. So yesterday, after came back from work at around 5 o'clock in the evening, I had the lunch-cum-dinner and took a shower and got myself into bed in two hours later. After the twelve hours non-disturbed deep sleep, I woke up as fresh as the daisies are in bloom... ( =


yesterday, while I was having my OT in marking the exercise books, an elder colleague chatted with me. She talked 'bout the origin of cashew nut. Well, I am such of country-bumpkin (or a frog which is still living in the oh-my-God-ly tiny well ++") who do not know 'bout the origin of cashew nut.  So I found the conversation pretty interesting. And now I am gonna share here in case if there is an ignoramus who still living in the well as me. *a-hem*

cashew nut is a popular snack. It is one of my favorite snacks on this planet too. However, the cashew nuts are always cost us high prices, so I seldom have the chance to savor them. In spite of it, cashew nut contains higher nutrient value if compared with walnut, peanut, and almond. No doubt it is good for health.

according to the elder colleague, cashew nut comes from cashew apple. And the cashew apple comes from cashew tree ++". The cashew tree is a hearty, fast-growing evergreen with an umbrella-like canopy. The tree has a rather messy look with its gnarled stem and crooked branches. The cashew tree produces both fruit (cashew apple) and nut (cashew nut). The organic botany and yet poisonous oil can be drawn from the nut shell. Same as the other plants, after the cashew flower blooms, a nut forms. The cashew apple later swell between the stem and the nut shell.

when both the cashew apple and cashew nut are ripe, the cashew nuts are twisted off from the cashew apple. 

the cashew nuts are send to be processed after that. I wondered why the cashew apples have to be left behind, until I found an article and written there...

The apple and nut fall together when both are ripe and, in commercial nut plantations, it is most practical to twist off the nut and leave the apple on the ground for later grazing by cattle or pigs. But, where labor costs are very low, the apples may be gathered up and taken to markets or processing plants. In Goa, India, the apples are still trampled by foot to extract the juice for the locally famous distilled liquor, feni. In Brazil, great heaps are displayed by fruit vendors, and the juice is used as a fresh beverage and for wine.

In the field, the fruits are picked up and chewed for refreshment, the juice swallowed, and the fibrous residue discarded. In the home and, in a limited way for commercial purposes, the cashew apples are preserved in sirup in glass jars. Fresh apples are highly perishable. Various species of yeast and fungi cause spoilage after the first day at room temperature.

well, the actual cashew nut is the thick-shelled seed. The coat of cashew nut contains toxin oil which may cause allergic. If accidentally touch the toxin oil, it may cause cracked and blistered skin. So when she was still a child, the elder colleague and her siblings have found the way to get the cashew nut inside without touching the toxin oil.

hmmm... do you remember the local cooking oil container in 60s'? Yeah, the one our ancestors used to bake the egg tarts. The elder colleague and her sibling cut off the upper side of cooking oil container and put it onto the chopped firewood. Then they roasted the cashew nut with a stick in their hands respectively, so that they could move the cashew nut. Meanwhile, they were standing distance away in order that the toxin oil which had drawn from the cashew shell would not splash their faces. After roasted to charcoal-like color, it means the cashew nut inside is ready to be eaten. Toxin oil has totally removed as well. Thus, they could use their bare hands to take off the roasted shell and savor the freshly-baked cashew nut inside. For sure, it must be tasty and fragrant.

too bad that I could not have the opportunity to experience it. I am sure that it would be fun.

oh yeah... all these explain why the cashew nut sells at a higher price than those almonds, peanuts, and walnuts.


Se Xun the Froggie said…
A nice and knowledgeable commentary ^_^
m0n pEt!t said…
kam sa ham mi da... (=

feels like you're the another ignoramus, just like me.. hohoho...

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