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Showing posts from June, 2009


it is the very first time I have got an ulcer in my mouth. Truly painful. Especially whenever a friction is occurred in between the bracer and ulcer. Gosh... Why is it only happened when I am going to remove the bracer on the mid of next month? ......++" in fact I have nothing to share tonight since I did not even make a single step out of this house today except was going out to buy breakfast. Besides of having meals, I was simply just sit in front of the computer, until now. Perhaps I should answer some lamely questions which I coincidentally found out from Facebook. God knows how bored I am now. ~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~** 1.Your ex is on the side of the road, on fire. What do you do? - scream for help...?! 2.Your best friend tells you she's pregnant. What is your reaction? - wah~~ who's the daddy? 3.When was the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face? - never think of it. 4. Congratulations! You just had a son. What's his name? - Bryan. 5. Con


as a promise, I am here to give my friend some sort of support in promoting her very first online-shopping-bloggie. Well, allow me straight to the point. It is a bloggie all 'bout Korean accessories. Yeah, the friend is doing her 'lil business here . People whom interests, feel free to log on the bloggie. Perhaps you might find your ideal accessories.


一股无形的力量正在体内释放着 蠢蠢欲动的细胞正活跃地冲出每条血管 努力的克制也几乎按奈不住心中的欲望 恨不得马上拥有一笔巨款 买下刚才看中的几款衣物 好好填补衣橱里的空间 救命啊 理性与欲望在交战中 天使与恶魔在谈判中 快要失控的我在挣扎中 难得清理了凌乱不堪的衣橱 丢弃了陈旧的衣物 重新划分了楚河汉界 衣橱显得空洞了许多 再仔细一看 多数空间被工作服所占据 出门像样的衣服竟屈指可数 难怪老娘总说我衣着打扮老土 想一想 真的好久好久没认真地为自己添上几件衣服 人肥了 腰围也粗了 能挤得下的牛仔裤变得寥寥可数 可恨啊 现在身上仅有100令吉 想要出去挥霍一番 也挥不出什么好心情 可我就快忍不住了 怎么办 简直是比憋屎憋尿还要难 为什么我是女生 为什么我就是有这种想要购物的欲望 难怪大家都说女人的钱最好赚

An Adventurous Ubin Trip

2009, 14 th June Sunday it is the very first time I went to Pulau Ubin . It was great going there. Every thing seen to be that interesting to me. I have never explored an island in a single day. Or perhaps even in my whole life. The sun was slightly too strong to my liking but the scenery was not too bad. I was surrounded by numbers of lakes and hectares of trees, particularly durian trees ++". Groups of elder visitors went to there to collect free durian while I was there to cycling. with a strong spirit of adventure, the Pelangians were set off to Pulau Ubin by a boat ride after lunch. Each of us had to pay S$2.50 for the boat fare. It took us 5 to 10 minutes to reach the island. without any further delay, we rent our bicycle and started our adventurous journey in no time. To be frank, I have forgotten the very last time I had a bicycle ride before this. Thus, I was a bit nervous at first. After a few rounds of practices, I was getting on well at cycling gradually. we manage

The End of First Battle

time flies. Completed the first battle in Maktab yesterday. Went out to have a steamboat with the course-mates yesterday evening. another 4 semesters to go. Yeah, am counting down on it. Feeling pretty good now. How badly I wanted to cheer for it. Well, just hold on it. Let me wait till tomorrow night. Gonna have a barbecue with the Pelangians. The last barbecue was half of a year ago. Guess you know what we did last time . Wow... simply cannot wait till then. I am ready to rock the night. hohoho... am chilling and rotting at home now. Gonna to have a facial treatment later. Meanwhile, just wanna nurture the fungus and doing nothing. Tomorrow gonna have a dental routine check-up. 2 or 3 months later, the braces will be removed. Then I would be under another dental treatment, i.e. teeth whitening. Anyway, I have to wait for half of a year before the treatment is launched. Nah... that is my crappy plan. In fact, once the braces has remove, I wanna have a crab party as what people did i

Melt Me

what am I doing here? Blogging 'course. While people are busy in studying or doing their revision, I am here, typing and typing, playing and playing, watching and watching, listening and listening, thinking and thinking... Well, obviously I am still not in the right mood to mug. 25 hours to go... I will be going to sit for an exam. 0% of preparation, so far. changed a new hairstyle yesterday afternoon. Kinda like it since it looks innocent-yet-silly with my getting-chubby-body-figure. At last, I got the time to cut my messy hair ++". slightly mushroom-alike, just as Kim Hyun Joong's current hairstyle. hohoho... But 'course mine is longer than him. Hmmm... during these few days, finished watching the 25-episodes-Korea-drama, i.e. Boys Over Flower . The 23-year-old Kim Hyun Joong aka Yoon Ji Hoo (same age as me =D) rocks~!! hohoho... anyhow, that is not the only thing I wanna share today. Instead... Meltykiss Chocolate imported from Japan this is a small token from a pa


从“牢里”放出来的第二天 还在悠哉地享受着“被放出来”的生活 无心念书 这是事实 当大家正在埋头苦读 我却还在这里无所事事地倒数着考期的到来 我了解自己正处于半放弃状态 这都得多谢那好几位让我知道原来读师训是可以不用这么努力的同事 或许他们不会知道那番话对我到底造成了什么伤害吧 毕竟说者无心,听者有意 --“何必做得那么好?随便做不就行了!只有傻子才会那么卖力地做!” 但是话说出来就犹如泼出去的水 伤了别人 却让别人不要放在心上 不要听进耳里 我不是圣人 这一点我做不到 再怎么不好 依旧能毕业 何必再继续像个傻子般地努力 面对这些冷言冷语 我还能继续呆在师训里简直是奇迹 在我还没找到适合师训的学习方式以前 这些话我肯定会放在心里 在我还没完全调整自己的学习心理以前 我不会再像个被你们视之为傻子般地努力 说我幼稚 说我小气 说我死心眼都没关系 我有自己的处事原则 一个多数人成天都看不顺眼的原则 要就不做 否则就要做到最好 就和投票的道理一样 要就不投 否则投了就要为自己所做出的选择负责 这次的师训之旅 庆幸总算领悟了一些道理 既然无法忍受环境将要改变我的方程式 我决定向环境宣战 凭着天父给予的力量 我要改变那里的学习环境 纵使只是孤军奋战 我也不愿举旗投降 势必在毕业的那一天 成为一朵绽放光芒的莲花


不知怎么的 手脚开始发软 朋友出事了 字字句句看在眼里 脑海里浮现出两三年前的自己 心脏似乎有种麻痹的感觉 呼吸也开始变得急促了 我庆幸自己获得重生的机会 而我的这位朋友呢 难道天使真的离你而去 忧郁 我曾经经历过 像是世界就快崩塌下来一样 泪水会不停地从眼眶中流下 完全将自己封锁在属于自己的世界里 所看见的 不都是灰白色的画面 看不见欢笑 满脑子都只是负面的思维情绪 要彻底毁掉一个人 也不过是迟早的问题 就看患者本身有多坚定 我害怕朋友真得招徕了忧郁 因为想要把它赶走 真得很不容易 身为朋友 我该做些什么