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Showing posts from May, 2009


甜品 对部分的人来说 是心情低落时的救星 而对我而言 只要是食物就足够了 可惜 此时此刻我竟然想不到想要通过什么食物 宣泄我心中的愤愤不平 叹息 人类对生活的需求 真的是因人而异 我对分数这回事 已经炼就至不在乎的境界 然而 并非所有人和我有着同样的想法 或许是我错了吧 竟然忘了我也是这所名校的毕业生 忘了自己也曾经为了分数而疯狂过 忘了恩师们是多么在意我的考试分数 忘了所有人都会有意无意地拿着分数做比较 忘了 忘了这是个现实的世界 忘了我们都生活在你争我夺的环境下 忘了让我成长的国家是马来西亚 这一切我都给忘了 我很生气 气的是我自己 气自己无法营造当时说出口的梦想 气自己渺小得可怜 气自己直到现在才发现自己原来没有自己想象中的好 气自己为什么要难过成这个样子 为了一个分数多寡的投诉 我拨了将近两个小时的电话 42名学生 一个一个地打给他们 身为教育工作者 我觉悟到 拨了这样的电话 我在学生及家长面前的威信顿时间荡然无存 我真的做错了吧 将分数拉得紧紧地 吝啬地计算每一个小细节 原来不适合用在优秀班的学生身上 只因为是优秀班的学生 只为了确保学生不会因为一两分的差距而滑落普通班 强硬地将分数抬高 就连普通班学生的分数也得取决于优秀班学生的最高分才能定夺 从前是优秀班学生之一的我 原来在分数上或许也享有这种特权吧 错不在那位投诉者 更别说是我那群可爱却可怜的学生 她不过是为了确保自己的孩子能在恶势力中生存下来 分数对他们来说真的很重要 只能怪我的思想太独特 怪我的想法太崇洋 怪我无法说服自己接受自己国家的教育理念 都怪我吧 就如我同学生说的一样 你要100分 我写在试卷上便是 你要求加分 我加给你便是 值不值这个价码 则见仁见智

Night At The ......

am counting down the days before send to jail Maktab on this coming Saturday. Wondered if I have made a wrong decision. A huge mistake? I am utterly not enjoy the entire learning and studying progress. And guess what... people do not believe it. Geez. They would even think that I am not treasure what I have already gotten. Nah... whatever it is. People will never understand how I hypnotize myself from not being Maktab -repellent every day before go into bed. Hmmm.. I am not self-pitying. But it is true that I have never try so hard to force myself to study until I end up in the state of hating what I am current doing. If Form 6 life sucks, then Maktab life would just like HELL...!! ~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~ had a Form 6 gathering on last Saturday. It was like the last gathering before I am sending back to "jail". That was the very first time I drove the car, and fetched the friends here and there. it was a raining day. Yee Jin and Yin Yin chose to meet at my ho



Birthday Again

who says we cannot have some fun during the examination weeks?! The pupils are currently sitting for their mid-year test. Stress enough. Not only for them but me too. I will be much more busier after the pupils finish the examination. Except being busy in marking the exam papers, I have to sort out all the exam results from Year 3 to Year 6. Then print out the results sheets one by one. It could takes me a whole week to finish the work. anyway, pupils and I were enjoying some relaxing moments today. Stress off =D. by the way, the obstacle which I had mentioned in the previous post has finally been solved. Thank God. Thank for answering my prayer.

Happy Teacher's Day

it is delighted to open the presents which were given by someone you loves. Hmmm... I did received presents today. From the beloved 9-year-old-students. Yeah, today is the Teacher's Day (=. look carefully. There is a sanitary-napkin-package-alike present ++". found it? I have circled it in green border. For God sake, it is not the sanitary napkin but a lovely hanging ornament for mobile phone. However, there is no place I could found over the entire mobile phone to hang up the ornament. What a pity. see it? In the circle of green. That is the ornament. Nice? besides, I have received numbers of red pens. The very first time I received that many of red pens. It is going to spend some time to eliminate them. after all, my favorite present would be the glass. Hmmm... not the glass in box but the tall one. I am considering if I wanna change my personal glass to it. The glass is from the assistant of monitor. He is a son of the elder colleague. Adorable indeed. Next to the glass are

Happy Birthday, Lou Ma Ji (Part II)

what a sumptuous meal last night. Hardly we dine out together, except last night. The old mama, both of the bros, the elder bro's girlfriend, and I went to Kinsahi Japanese Restaurant to give the old mama a luxurious meal. Supposed to bring her to T.G.I. Friday's as I found western food infinitely preferable to consuming of Japanese food. Still, I let the old mama made the decision. in fact, we had ordered many main course sets, ala carte and side dishes. But my hands are too short, there were some of the dishes I could not reach to take a photo. Too bad. Kinsahi Maki @ RM19.90, a side dish I had eaten couple months ago. Food description have been given here too. Anyway, the Maki has a crusty inner layer which I have forgot to mention in the earlier post. Trust me. You would be devoured by the desire of one-fulled-bite. Big mouthful 0=. By the way, the dish was ordered by the elder bro. A rare telepathy existed between him and I last night. hohoho... Seafood Ramen , ordered

Happy Birthday, Lou Ma Ji

am hungry. Waiting for the returning of old mama. She is gonna buy me some food and also the shredded coconut to cook dessert. Well, we just came back from the morning jog and exercises. Supposed to bring her to have a dim sum breakfast, who knows she wanted to buy some freshly-caught fish by the Stulang Laut seaside. So I drove her there. Due to the fishy smell, we came back home directly without having the breakfast. alright, she is finally back. Guess what she bought for me. One of my dread dish, i.e. Mee Rebus . why am I so scared of Mee Rebus ? Years ago, after ate the most renowned Mee Rebus , I fell sick. Since then, I dare not to try Mee Rebus anymore. However there is no way to escape today. I have to finish the Mee Rebus as the old mama does not know that I used to anti it. And 'course I finished the food just now. Anyhow, no comments 'bout the taste-wise will be given. hmmm... well, today is a big day for old mama. Happy Birthday, Lou Ma Ji will celebrate her birt

An Experience

I think I am facing an obstacle. The journey seems smoothly all these while. However, there must be something cropped up when every things have been accomplished too well. Well, I would just leave it to the Heavenly Father. Hope that everything will be fine then. Or else, I would in a dead meat. a sport-day-rehearsal was launched yesterday. I was in charged of photo-taking. It was my maiden-shots for the workplace. Finally the school management have given me a right task after the 4-years of waiting ++". Basically I am satisfied with my performances and those photographic images. practice makes perfect. I am still an inexperienced photographer whom uses a dummy camera to take photos. Hope that there would be more chances for me to work as a photographer in any of the school ceremonies or parties.


other than the US drama LOST , I think I am too addicted to Korea drama Iljimae too. The old mama wondered the reason why I am so enthused to it. It is definitely not the first time I watch the drama. Iljimae had been telecast on the December of 2008. And currently, people may watch it again via 8TV or in mandarin, i.e. 8度空间, a local TV station. And 'course I am simply cannot miss any episode of it. the plot is different from the original comic. Due to this, the actual drama is more fantastic than I expected. hmmm... my beloved scenes of Iljimae would be the death of Iljimae aka Yong aka Lee Geom's adopted father and also the time he regains his childhood memories not to forget, the OST is full of nice songs. So lovin' it. And Lee Jun Ki is really bloody hell handsome. hohoho...


Missing To whom knows the current whereabout of this person, please do not be hesitated to contact any one of the Pelangians. He has been missing for months and most of the Pelangians are still searching for him. God bless him and whoever searches for him.

Black Perak, Failed Perak

how many were you wearing black today? I did anyway. To mourn the political-tsunami in Perak. By the way, it was a silence demonstration. If you are keen on the situations of Perak, you should understand what I meant. it has been months since the power grab happened and I did not feel any better of the current circumstances. In fact, it becomes worse. A black Perak today. Is there any democracy in Perak? When does the Raja Nazrin want to dismiss the DUN and let the residents of Perak to decide who would be the Mr. Right to rule the state? Obviously, the situation is getting out of control. In the light of past experience, the politicians had utterly put the residents' interest aside and continue with their game of power grab. Once again, the people of Perak are the biggest losers. Point to be noted, they did not have even a chance to play the game with those shallow politicians. So ridiculous. chaos inside Dewan. 6 hours of standoffish. More interesting than The Dark Knight ++"


吃得苦中苦 方为人上人 久违的一句话 今天听在耳里 暖在心里 两年前 前辈对我说过了同样的一句话 或许是因为当时种种际遇 听了眼泪不停打转 时过境迁 今天另一位长辈再次对我说了同样的一句话 少了眼泪 却多了一份窝心的感觉 没错 因为这句话 所以可以撑到现在 努力地让自己适应这现实的环境 突然好想念恩师 彻底改变我的贵人 好怀念自己自信满满的那段日子 如今已找不回同样的自信 剩下的也不过是那不值得一提的自恋 好想再一次当众示范Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) 还有那复杂却好玩的Rapid Body Survey (RBS) 好想再体会那消失已久的自信 纵使只留下那陌生的背影 也好想再一次以行动让世人知道 -- “我曾经有个梦想,不是成为教师,而是赶在第一时间拯救生命的急救人员!” 曾经这么梦想着。。。

Sekolah Cemerlang

chicken rice without Char Siew sauce is definitely taste not good. This is my sole personal opinion. Yeah, it is 1552 hour and I had just taken my lunch. Back from the dental clinic. Once again, the charmed dentist tighten up the so-called rubber band. Felt relieved after the oral checking. There is no tooth decay so far. No ulcer too. Thank God. 3 Pegawai Kementerian Pendidikan came to my workplace in this morning. It could said as a spot-check 'cuz none of us expected that they would came in the early of May. However, they came for a reason, i.e. to judge. The workplace is one of the candidates of Sekolah Cemerlang . Hmmm.. well, if you are familiar with the local education policies, the Anugerah Sekolah Cemerlang is for those schools have excellent performances in both curriculum and co-curriculum. Not to forget, the school management too. from the school infrastructure until the teachers' teaching skills, they observed slowly and carefully. They entered the classrooms an

Tons of Gold

without going any where, I wish to spend the weekend at home. Nurture the fungus. Well, I knew that it sounded stupid and dull. But staying at home not as bad as you thought. Instead, I could much of time in thinking and improving certain aspects of life. hmmm... last night, I realized that I am super rich. People did told me before, to whom owns many books is a wealth person. And I am one of the wealth persons, hohoho... However, I never touch the gallery of books for such a long period. How detestable a 'lil woman I am. probably I shall schedule a timetable for I myself. So that I will not simply waste the precious time in nurturing fungus ++".