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Showing posts from April, 2008

Reflection of My Life

one picture is worth a thousand words and now... I have 3 pictures in total... surely you will understand >< perhaps old mama was right, the orthodontics treatment is not simply just to straighten the teeth, yet I am started to make sure I myself look good always. Is it a little bit gone too far? Anyway, there is no turning back. By the way, I have no regret with what I have been done. But for unknown reason, I do feel a little bit guilty even I am spending my hard-earned money on it. If I am not doing the orthodontics treatment, I might be able to buy a Viva for myself instead. Sounds silly, ain't I? p/s nearly gotten Saman yesterday. So close... unrelated note: Penny of Thoughts counted the credit hours I have gotten on the weekend. Kinda proud of myself 'cuz I have successfully hasten my studies from 5 years to 4 years. In the other words, I still left 2 years more to be graduated. And I will try to cut it down to 3+ years to complete my degree studies. This is my pri

Let It Be?

m0n pEt!t's To-Do-List finish reading the Holy Bible -- Revelation part upgrade my english level remove the cotton tree hunt a big box in order to keep my books simply have a trip to S'pore sing K New Added To-Do-Things jogging re-watch The Passion of The Christ haircutting it is freaking hell hot today. The rain did not chill me out at all after I had finished the chores and prepared the lunch for family members. Anyway, finally got the time and blogging here. It is blessed. totally rotted on yesterday until the night had came. Spent hours in the K lounge with colleagues. Last night, my theme was high-pitch and oldies songs. Guessing the colleagues' ears have survived from an unforgettable m0n's high-pitch voice... woohaa. There is a song, A-Mei -- Stand On The High Mountain 站在高岗上 which I must sing it again next time since Ong had ejected before I had finished singing. Probably he could not stand it anymore... hohoho. started sick of my current hairstyle and think of

The Dead Are Judged

m0n pEt!t's To-Do-List finish reading the Holy Bible -- Revelation part upgrade my english level remove the cotton tree hunt a big box in order to keep my books simply have a trip to S'pore sing K what a peaceful Saturday morning, rotting at home again. Planned to go to Clark Quay this evening, unfortunately unable to make it since I do not know how to read the S'pore map. Bodohnya~!! Anyway, just hoping that I will not really rotting at home and doing nothing and wasting my precious time here. as you seen from the above m0n pEt!t's To-Do-List , I have finished reading the Revelation Book last night. The last Book in the New Testament. Hmmm... not that really understand few of the verses as I was reading the English version Holy Bible. Most probably will read the Chinese version as well. let y be undefine number, 1260 days + 1260 days + (42 months x 30) + y days = the torturing and judgement days before New Jerusalem comes. I warn everyone who hears the words of the pr

The Amazing Golden Bananas

except waiting the bus, I think there is a rare chance to let Malaysians to wait for something patiently, as 99% of the Malaysians are utterly impatient all the time. Hmmm... that is merely my personal view. Why am I saying so? For instance, the case of waiting a bus. Most of us knowing that waiting bus in M'sia is really that sucks. The buses are usually delayed either purposely or accidentally. And it seems to be that usual to spend half an hour at the bus stations. But how many of the Malaysians could really spend that much of time in waiting the arrival of their delicated buses without any complaints? If that is hard for most of the Malaysians to do so, how about to spend almost 45 minutes in waiting the serve of RM2 fried bananas? I know it sounds a little bit of foolish, and you might doubt that is it worthy to spend that much of time in doing it... And my answer will be YES for sure. Dataran fried bananas, that is how I called it. A successful fried bananas business I ever


how relaxing the life is after the final examination... woohaa. I am currently enjoying my 3 or 4 weeks long semester break. Basically, there is nothing much different since I still have to go to work in the early morning. But I shall be satisfied and thankful as I do not need to burn the midnight oil anymore. well, Jesus knew that I was behaved like a lazybones during my previous semester. Lack of revision and had too much of fun with both friends and colleagues, I had forced myself to reap what I sow. As the result, I woke up at 3.30am on the every single examination day, just to do my last-minute revision. This explains why I slept that much after the examination. anyway, I could not change any thing that had already happened. So I have mentally prepared if my results are too bad. Okay, just cut the crap and moving forward. Since my semester break is not that long-period as the others, every single moment does mean to me very much. So I have list out my semester break to-do-list, ju

m0n pEt!t

2 more days to go to accomplish my 4th semester by sitting the final examination. Simply cannot wait till then. Woohaa... after talked to TSL via MSN, set my mind to undergo the orthodontic braces. Days ago, my standpoint was slightly vacillated by Nee. Undeniably, what he had spoke to me was merely sound reasonable. It gave I myself an opportunity to have a careful and serious consideration again. And in the end, I have decided to go for the orthodontic braces. That said. The thought of buying a Viva has to be delayed again. By the way, TSL is back to JB in order to extract her wisdom teeth too. And the period of staying in JB will not be long. So, I am guessing that we will not able to meet up this time. = ( recently addicted to the online game Wahjong which is once introduced by Low in his bloggie. Kinda interesting to me. 2 weeks ago, went back the Pelangi secondary school to get my GCE'O' 1119 certificate. I had the flashbacks of memories once I stepped into the school.


是拜金社会的逼迫 还是人性黑暗一面的体现? 那幼小的心灵 究竟知道发生什么事了吗? 经老娘一提 才赫然发现今天放在沙发上的《星洲》 图片人物 曾经与我有过一面之缘 原来世界真的可以浑然间变得那么的小 贪吃的姐姐 还有那一度被我误以为是男孩的妹妹 今天见报了! 可喜吗? 不! 她们被父母遗弃了。。。 想起当初她们俩到我家做客 手中各自都拿了一条剥了皮的香蕉 看见茶几上的鸡蛋卷时 姐姐还嚷着要吃的情景 一幕一幕地浮现 心中也略有一些些的酸 她们很乖 很听话 可能是饿了 或许是累了 姐姐不停嚷着要吃的、要喝的 妹妹就啃着那根香蕉坐在沙发上 看上去像是随时都会睡着的样子 当我捧着一杯豆奶时 递给她们一根根的鸡蛋卷时 那种眼神。。。 渴了吧 想吃了吧 她们的爹在一旁做事 帮我家维修电器 详情不愿透露太多 只能说是 老娘同情心泛滥 遭父母遗弃 是拜金社会的逼迫 还是人性黑暗一面的体现? 前天凌晨 做恶梦 醒来时 迷迷糊糊地 却能感受到心脏像是快跳出来一样 可怕 梦中被人追赶 我跑的很急 他追得很赶 奥林匹克选手也没我跑得那么惨 我那样的心跳 是这样“跑”出来的 一点都不好玩 无形的压力 犹如杀手般 正朝着我开枪 枪里有子弹吗?


伤口很痛,脸又肿 现在的心情很沉重 回家的路上,有想哭的冲动 今天的心情很波动 眼见白色巨塔的无良政治开始牵扯到我 除了感叹无奈,我还能有怎样的举动? 耶稣基督曾经这么说过 若有人拿了你的外套 你要将身上的衣服也给他 若有人打了你一巴掌 你要将另一半边脸也让他打 但是。。。 若有人企图间接性地害我被减薪 难道我就得索性地让她这么做吗? 住在冰山一角的我 纵使沙漠的热浪已经开始将部分冰山边缘给融化 我依旧想继续住在那儿 对策 方针 我必须自救,自保 少点埋怨,多加思考 乃当务之急啊!!


ceased the subscription of Reader's Digest minutes ago. Made a phone call and requested for someone whom speaks in Mandarin, hohoho... The person I spoke to, is really in good manner. 4 years of subscriptions, words are simply cannot define how I feel right now. It is too complicated. Hope that I can re-subscribe it when I am afford to do so. played too much and got no mood to study. Bit worry 'bout the final exam. May God bless me, bless me, bless me with all His heart.


did not go to work since yesterday. Rest at home after the another wisdom tooth extraction surgery. Did not sleep well last night, only after I had taken 2 pills of painkiller. Hmmm... the tooth extraction surgery was not as good as the first time. The dentist was spent a little more of time in sawing my wisdom tooth in pieces, and then pull them out one by one. I did felt uneasy although I could not feel any pain right at the moment. But the noise of "digging", "plucking", "sawing" whatsoever had scaring me terribly. 5 or 6 stitches for the little small wound. Bravo >< checked out my assignment and assessment results just now. Shocked when I saw a "D", the worst result I ever had. No comment or reason has been given by the heartless lecturer, Pn Lina. Somehow, I guess I know the reason. Probably I did not complete the HTML script with looping function which I really had no idea how to proceed it. However, would it be a little bit of too se


倘若刚才那场是倾盆大雨, 即使是流着泪,走在大街上的我, 旁人也不晓得。。。 其实我正在哭泣 心情很闷,便跑出去走走,顺便去还水电费 老弟不争气,他又失业了 三位数的水电费又得由我来扛 好在老娘出手相助,这个月老哥的生活费无需我来操心 一旦心情不好 做什么事都不顺心 连去个银行都会被笔插刮伤 还被银行职员欺负 生活在社会的中产阶级 面对通货膨胀,早已习以为常 束紧腰带,看紧钱包 日子还是能够在三餐温饱的情况下度过 心情很闷。。。 不是因为开销加剧 不是因为老弟失业 更不是因为右手被刮伤 只是挨了骂,心有不甘 莫名其妙地成了他的出气筒,始终无法释怀 呵~ 还是那一句 kanasai 穷则变,变则通 我不在意多打一两份兼职 可是不要老是一通电话打来 不分青红皂白地就将所有人的努力给磨蚀去 大家都在打拼 很努力,很努力地去生活着 所以在你觉得辛苦的当儿 也想想在这里的我们也不见得有多么好过 今天就让我尽情流泪 因为那尖酸刻薄的口吻确实让我听了很不舒服 泪水不是因你而流 而是为自己感到难过

Listening to the Song <<安静>>

no trip --> sadness --> sick and, that is impossible the fact is, sore throat --> coughing --> voiceless yeah, I am voiceless again. Old mama brewed the same chinese tradisional medicine for me again. Bumblebees inside it again. And again, the indescribably taste of sourness. Figuring out which ingredient made the medicine that sour... Could it be the bumblebees? >< * clear the throat * .....remain silent voiceless.

Fate or Coincidence

NO MORE PULAU SIBU TRIP = ( sometimes did feel that I do really have no luck of travelling. This time, the date of the trip has one week ahead of schedule. Is it Fate or coincidence? final exam: 12nd, 15th, 20th , 21st. Pulau Sibu trip: 25th, 26th, 27th 18th, 19th, 20th . bloody hell SUEY what a "nicest" April Fool greeting I ever had