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Showing posts from April, 2011


多少人晓得正常的工作时间为一周45小时? 在这样的复活节,边观赏着《红星大奖2011》,边改着一本本的功课,我深知这是个既没工钱,又没完没了的超时工作。金钱换不了时间,更别说是没工钱的牺牲。 怎么能够用金钱来衡量责任呢?我曾经为此感到困惑。直到现在,我依旧对检测责任感的准绳感到疑惑。可换个角度想想,与其将大部分时间只投注在批改作业上,挪用自己的时间去做自己喜欢、想做的事,应该不算是罪过吧? 我不甘心每个工作日的夜晚、每个星期的周末都还得望着一堆堆的簿子,默默地接受着一直改,拼命改,可又怎么都改不完的结果!我更不甘心眼巴巴地看着大部分时间都被簿子作业占用,而逐渐地将自己喜欢做的事都搁置一旁,不加理会。今晚,我出奇地想念我那许久都没更新的部落格。我甚至忘了最后一次安静地看书,通过书籍自我提升的时候。然而我更希望周末能够放松心情,懒洋洋地度过…… 啊…… 看着身旁还没改完的书,好恨!我的生命、人生…… 真的不该让作业簿子给埋没! 心头萌起了这个念头 —— “我的时间,由我掌控!45小时,明天起行动!”

Gmail Motion

Google always surprises me. With its bloody powerful and user-friendly products. today Google has launched a grand new product. Called Gmail Motion. Wow... Introducing a new way to interact with Gmail – using your body! Gmail Motion can help you improve the way you interact with your email.  my curiosity killed the cat. Wondered how to interact Gmail by using body. So I clicked on the link in order to find out more. I was so excited and wanted to know so much on how exactly the Gmail Motion works. Thus I skipped the videos. And tried to install it. while looked at the screen as Gmail Motion was installing, I knew there must be something that would inspired me. and 'course Google has never disappointed me... ++" this is the lamest nonsense I had today. But it did put a smile on my face. What else should I ask for? anyhow...  Happy April Fools' Day to all of you. it is not that bad to be a fool once in a while. =D